The present invention provides an in vitro method for the prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), or for selecting a therapy, for triple negative breast cancer patients (TNBC). Several molecular signatures have been developed in the recent years to predict response to NAC, however, none of them is specifically targeting TNBC; a pathology that affects, globally, 140.000 women/year, accounting for a market of USD 1B and growing 14.32% annually.
The method presented in this invention is based on analyzing the methylation or expression level of only two genes, FERD3L and TRIP10, making it optimal for clinical use. Moreover, the method has high sensitivity and specificity. The objective of the company represented is to license the technology with the aim of bringing this innovation to the market. Technology, team, and intellectual property Problem solved by the invention: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the subtype of breast cancer that tests negative for estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and excess of HER2 protein. TNBC accounts for 20% of breast cancers and it cannot be treated by hormonal therapy or medicines that target HER2 protein receptors.
The current standard of care for TNBC is neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) followed by surgery. Different molecular signatures have been developed to predict the response to NAC on breast cancer, however, their performance on TNBC is low, as they are not specific for this subtype, and these tests involve dozens of genes.
Institution: INCLIVA Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria
TRL: 2-3
Protection status: Patent application
Contact: Vicente Barberá /