Portable and foldable appliance to access bathtubs

It is very common that people with limited mobility struggles to access places that have unevenness, especially when traveling. The present invention provides a portable and foldable solution to ease access to bathtubs and showers for limited mobility users.

The most important technical features of this solution are its foldability and portability, providing access, not only to the shower or bathtub but to any place with floor unevenness that the user intends to enter.

The technology has been developed by researchers from the process engineering research group, INPRO, at UPTL (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja). The objective of the company represented is to find business partners interested in co-developing or licensing the patent of this invention to bring this innovation to the market.

Institution: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

TRL: 1-2

Protection status: Patent application

Contact: Laura Núñez / laura@viromii.com