Optical system for the generation of highly incoherent light

Optical system for the generation of highly incoherent light for techtransfer

Advanced imaging is crucial for medical diagnostics, biological research, and materials science, where precise, high-quality illumination is essential. Some tissue samples, such as transparent ones, require advanced imaging solutions for proper diagnostics and study. The development of advanced imaging modalities, such non-linear or multiphoton techniques, faces significant challenges, particularly the need for cost-effective, highly incoherent illumination, ideally with high photon bunching (a phenomenon where photons arrive at the sample in clusters). Multiphoton microscopy methods rely on expensive and complex pulsed lasers to overflood the sample with photons, which can be inefficient and have the potential to damage delicate samples. To solve these issues, researchers from the University of Murcia have developed a novel technology to generate highly incoherent illumination from a single light source, providing a more accessible and efficient solution.

This technology provides an optical system that generates highly incoherent illumination with a high degree of photon bunching from a primary chaotic light source. It achieves this by using a combination of prisms that form an illumination area at the intersection of light paths.
This type of illumination is ideal, but not restricted to, for unconventional imaging modalities, such as nonlinear microscopy, multiphoton imaging, and in telecommunications systems requiring high photon bunching for signal encryption. The invention can also be equipped in conventional devices, providing them with the capabilities of nonlinear microscopes.

A Spanish Patent Application has been submitted at the OEPM (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office) under the following application number: ES2957221A1.


  • Reduced Cost: Eliminates the need for costly and complex pulsed lasers by generating highly incoherent light using prisms, making it more accessible.
  • Suitable for In Vivo Applications: Uses lower light intensity that minimizes the risk of damaging biological samples, ideal for live organism imaging.
  • Enhanced Imaging Quality: Provides clearer and more accurate imaging without the intensity fluctuations and speckles seen in other methods.
  • Flexibility: The device can also benefit linear microscopes.

The represented institution is looking for feedback about the industry’s needs, which will enable further development of the technology. The main objective would be a thorough understanding of the needs of potential end-users. The researchers would also be open to collaborating if the technology presented is of interest.

Institution: University of Murcia

Protection status: Patent Application (ES2957221A1)

Contact: Pablo Lago / pablo@viromii.com